Do you seem to be having trouble with your drinking? Has your drinking reached the point where it worries you? Do you often drink more than you intend? Do you have memory lapses?
If you’re not sure, honestly ask yourself 12 questions.
Our A.A. Big Book states: “the phenomenon of craving is limited to (alcoholics) and NEVER occurs in the average temperate drinker. ” (p. xxviii)
The A.A. concept is that alcoholics are sick people who have lost the power of choice over alcohol but can recover if they follow a simple program that has proven successful for millions of people.
That isn’t an empty promise. A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 85 years. A.A.’s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another. If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help.